Look to the future
The effects of the Youth First 2.0 restructure has resulted in reduced delivery for young people, staff loss, and big changes in the way that the organisation works. This climate has already made for a tough year for everybody - however the successful agreement with Lewisham Council does mean that Youth First can continue to survive post-April 2021.
Youth work delivery will be reduced during May 2021 as we support the workforce with training and development. Youth First then moves into a new mode of working including a new service timetable starting 7 June 2021.
We will also move into the Phase 2 restructure. This involves a critical analysis and mapping of our existing functions such as business development, fundraising and communication.

Objectives for 2021
- Successfully deliver the new LBL contract
- Including launching new targeted 1-2-1 and group work sessions
- Complete Phase 2 restructuring of the organisation
- Transition to a Community Interest Organisation (a registered charity)
- Create a Youth First Theory of Change and demonstrate our impact against it
- Create and operationalise a new development strategy to diversify income
- Seek new partnerships (to share costs, partner on bids and increase activity for young people)
- Produce a Workforce strategy and workforce Development Plan
- Continue to improve internal systems
- Recover participation at remaining open access sessions, which were severely affected by COVID-19
The combination of a successful restructure and the future transition to a registered charity - will set the path for Youth First to grow delivery of youth work through new grants and contracts as we move into future years.